Our House

At Herdade dos Abegões, the house is key to the surrounding landscape. Recovered in 2020 from an old sheepfold, it is built using traditional practices and materials from the region. Its schist walls establish a dialog between the elements; the house is in conversation with nature. It has the charm of an ancient history, and is the perfect place to sample Beira’s gastronomy, make a table a meeting of friends, or a fireplace a time of rest. Above all, there is a sensitivity present, the architect’s gesture, where home is refuge and comfort, it serves to be lived in, to make history and to create, with each departure, a desire to return.

11 double rooms with bathroom

Dining room

Outside with a dining area

2 communal toilets

Breakfast included

Swimming Pool



Living room

Air conditioning

Baby bed

The rooms

Each of these spaces aims to reinforce the connection with the landscape, without losing its inherent intimacy. The place is evoked through the natural elements and the stories of past abbeys.

António Pedra Parada

António Pedra Parada

straight by name
moved through the abegoaria with the stride of an earthquake
Zé do Trovão

Zé do Trovão

it was born illuminated by a bang, from the lands and the cattle it became a voice,
until it fell into the roots of silence
Eduardo Quebra Galhos

Eduardo Quebra Galhos

for who was born aimless,
surprised by life's twists and turns and made his own way by breaking his own paths
Paulinho do Fojo Batido

Paulinho do Fojo Batido

so many traps in his words,
without being able to catch anyone, he was left like this, a lonely abegão
Carlos Sementes Fogueiras

Carlos Sementes Fogueiras

knew as much about life,
as he did about death, or he wouldn't have been a son of the raia
Luísa Serrana

Luísa Serrana

she was given to daydreaming,
always looking up forgetting the abegoaria in her memory
Maria das Zebras

Maria das Zebras

because she knew the risks of life, she looked after the cattle
with the will of a rock
Clara Queda Caçadas

Clara Queda Caçadas

had such good aim that in the life of an abegoa
she got it right the first time
Mafalda Sopro da Raia

Mafalda Sopro da Raia

lightly, she came
from there to find the weight of those who stay
Sara Trova Montanha

Sara Trova Montanha

for those whose name was sung, it was like that for the quiet one,
preferring the muteness of the implements
João Galho no Chão

João Galho no Chão

so many traps in his words,
swithout being able to catch anyone, he was left like this, a lonely abegão

Low Season


High Season


Room 1

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 2

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 3

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 4

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 5

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 6

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 7

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 8

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 9

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

Room 10

Low Season 180€ Night / High Season 250€ Night

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